Press Releases

Read all the latest news and information from Counseling Associates of America.

Ease the back-to-school blues

Student worries are often rooted in a fear of the unknown: fear of not performing well academically; adjusting to a new schedule or a new school; worries about fitting in, making friends or dealing with bullying; navigating loud, crowded school hallways and cafeterias and concerns about mass shootings.”

From burnout to balance, how to master work stress

“Stress comes in many forms, but workplace stress has become a major problem in the United States. While stress has a purpose in the workplace – it can help you stay alert and motivated – prolonged stress can take a toll on your health.”

Healthy Living: More Telehealth options for mental health care

“Whether it’s on a phone, computer or even tablet, it’s important to gain access to the health care you need, even for your mental health care. The Counseling Associates of America is launching more telehealth options for mental health care services in Florida.”