Bringing our services directly to you
Why Telehealth?
Telehealth allows us to bring services to you making counseling easier to access than ever. We use a basic online HIPAA compliant platform that is easy to use. Relax in the comfort of your own home during your session.
What is Telehealth?
Telehealth is simply use of digital communication, such as computers and mobile devices such as a smart phone or tablet, to access your counselor remotely. This technology can be used from your home, office or any setting of your choice which gives you the quiet and privacy to feel at ease. Telehealth typically includes using both audio and video communication.
Does it work?
Whether telehealth is optimal for a particular patient or their specific presenting problems may vary. However, recent research has shown that in general, teletherapy services are as effective as in-person care. Our patients and therapists have been quite pleased with the effectiveness, convenience, and safety of telehealth. One of the best ways to determine if telehealth will work for you may be to simply try it and see.
Some Advantages of Telehealth
With telehealth, we can bring services directly to you – in any quiet, private, non-distracting environment of your choosing. This flexibility allows you to receive services in situations which might otherwise make services quite difficult, for example:
-You have no time to commute to our office.
-Your babysitter is late or ill.
-You are ill/injured but would still like the support of your counselor.
-You are experiencing car problems or have no transportation to our office.
-You simply do not feel up to traveling.