Category: Counseling

Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday This week, we are focusing on the topic of relationships. Perfect timing as we celebrate Valentine’s Day, right? In every relationship, there will be conflict. No matter how hard we try to have the “perfect” relationship, there is no such thing as one. Relationships are hard and it takes communication, dedication, and so

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Mindful Eating

As this weeks topic of Mindfulness comes to an end, one of the easier ways to practice everyday is while eating. Focus on the process of making your food, the texture of it, the taste, and how it makes you feel. Try eating in silence instead of in front of the TV or while on

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How to Practice Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness is a commitment and should be done daily. It is common for people to think that the only way to practice mindfulness is through meditation. This is not true. Yes, meditation is an amazing way to practice but mindfulness is simply awareness. It is the complete awareness of your thoughts, emotions, feelings, and

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Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday This week we are focusing on Mindfulness Thinking. At times, we may feel that there are things happening in our lives that are out of our control. The inability to control every aspect of our lives can cause stress and anxiety. Practicing Mindfulness Thinking is a way to be aware of what is

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Therapy is for Everyone

Therapy is not just for those who have something “wrong” with them. Therapy is also not just a way to “fix” relationships. Therapy is a way to speak with a counselor that is unbiased and has your best interest in mind. It can help you talk about positive things in your life that make you

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The Power of Positive Thinking

Motivational Monday It can be hard to think positively, especially if the environment you are in is everything but positive. You might hear others encourage you to just replace your negative thoughts with positive thoughts. As much as we would like to make that quick change in the way we think, teaching yourself to think

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Break the Negativity You Surround Yourself With

We consistently surround ourselves with social media, updates on news channels, and perhaps people who don’t have our best interest in mind. This can be overwhelming and can have a negative impact on our mental health. It is important to check who you are surrounding yourself with and what information/posts you are subconsciously seeing. When

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Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday Self progress can sometimes be progress that is not noticeable to others. Maybe it’s as simple as starting a morning routine to help yourself start your day, or journaling your feelings to be able to process them better. You should be proud of your progress and the strength, as well as determination, it

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Say This Before Venting

Venting to others can help your mental health by sharing your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. However, checking on your friends/ family to see if they are emotionally available for you to vent to them is important. They may have had a tough day, fighting a silent battle, or don’t have the emotional capacity to listen

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Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday You are seen and you are heard. With everything you are currently carrying and going through, don’t give up when it gets too heavy. Keep pushing and you will prevail. Call Us Today at 239-289-9796

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