Tag: Counseling

Prioritize Yourself Without Neglecting Your Loved Ones

Self-Care isn’t Selfish Putting yourself first isn’t about selfishness; it’s about self-preservation. Just as an airplane’s oxygen masks instruct parents to secure their own masks before assisting their children, you must prioritize your well-being to effectively care for others. When you’re depleted, stressed, or burned out, your ability to be a supportive and loving family

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Celebrate Your Wellbeing: Alternatives to “I Did Nothing”

Do you ever find yourself sighing and saying “I did nothing” after a day off? Let’s be honest, that phrase doesn’t do justice to the value of essential downtime. Our days off are crucial for recharging, refocusing, and nurturing our well-being. So, how can we reframe our perception and celebrate the importance of taking a

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Find Your Perfect Fit: Self-Pay Rates & Packages

Tired of insurance limitations holding you back from the mental health care you deserve? The Counseling Associates of America offers self-pay therapy, giving you direct access to top-notch mental health professionals. This means: At The Counseling Associates of America, we believe everyone deserves access to quality mental healthcare. Our experienced therapists are passionate about helping

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